UCMHouston is seeking Gen Z college students to ask any questions they have regarding faith. The question can be geared towards politics, racial justice, gun violence, or any other subject matter you'd like clarification on. For submitting a video and agreeing for us to post it on our social media platforms, we'll compensate you with an AMAZON gift card. You agree to allow UCM to use and post its content by submitting a video. Once your question is submitted, a faith leader will respond with an answer via video. The questions and responses will be used for conversation starters in the coming semester. Instructions on how to submit your video are listed below.
Here's the Process
To submit your video
You will see an upload file box on the left of the home page.
In the email to field, enter: ucmhouston@gmail.com
In the email from field, enter your email address
In the title field, enter your name and Gen Z Talks testimonial
In the message field, you may add any short description you feel necessary
If you have further questions regarding this project, please get in touch with Rev. Tamika Nelson at ucmhouston@gmail.com