UCM recognizes that food insecurity is a significant obstacle for students on college campuses. In the gospel of Matthew, we hear the words from those in need " When I was hungry you fed me". UCM offers short-term food solutions for students while on campus—these range from snacks to quick meals. UCM's POCKET PANTRY does not replace, nor is it a satellite of the UH COUGAR CUPBOARD, but simply an extension of student services. In addition to food solutions, the POCKET PANTRY also has an extensive selection of feminine hygiene products, including pads, tampons, personal creams, and more. The pantry provides reproductive support such as condoms and pregnancy tests. There are no requirements of screening to receive services from the POCKET PANTRY. The POCKET PANTRY is open every THURSDAY from 10A-5P during UCM office hours or by appointment by contacting ucmhouston@gmail.com.